Ref: GL28495
General Information
- Age 32 years
- Date of Birth 4th December 1991
- Had previous paid employment within the equine industry? Locked
- Preferred Countries United Kingdom, Wales, Scotland, United States of America
- County/State/Region Anywhere
- Job Category Full Time, Permanent
- Earliest start date 3rd September 2024
- Freelance: Business Name Locked
- Freelance: Hourly Rate Locked
- Freelance: are you insured? Locked
- Available for Christmas Cover? Yes
- Notice period 1 day
- Best time to call Locked
- Working Couples: Partner's profile reference number Locked
- Live in or out Live in
- Co-habiting? Locked
- Full Postcode if live out (Private) Locked
- Expected Job Level Apprentice, Trainee, Groom, Groom/Rider, Part of a Team
- Animals to bring to a job Locked
- Describe the animal/s you HAVE to bring to the job (if applicable) Locked
- Can drive Moped
- Own car? Moped
- Height 5’11” / 180cm
- Approximate weight 12st / 76.2kg / 168lb
- Total years experience with horses Locked
- Previous paid/work experience Locked
- Future disciplines Endurance, Hunting, Livery, Pony Club Activities, Riding for the Disabled (RDA), Reining, Riding School, Trekking, Western
- Riding Role? Locked
- Nationality British
- Languages spoken Locked
- Qualifications Locked
- Equine Skills Management Skills, Muck Out, Ride, Work with children
- Non-Equine Skills Locked
- Longest time in one job Locked
- Position held in this job Locked
- 2nd longest time in one job Locked
- Position held in this job Locked
- Upload your CV Locked
- Current passport? Locked
- DBS (formerly CRB) or equivalent Locked
- Smoker? Locked
- Locked
- Image Uploads Locked
- Where did you find us? Only Administrators can view this!
Experience with Horses
I’ve been riding for 3 years, I’ve done courses to learn the basics of horse care and management and I recently worked as a cowboy in Australia
Key Skills
I can ride fairly well, I can muck out, groom, saddle and tack up. It’s not relevant to England, but I can round up cattle on horse back. I was a bar manager for 7 years so I’m good a communication, working in a team, I stay cool under pressure and I stay professional
Strengths and Weaknesses
• What do you most enjoy about working with horses?
I enjoy the physical aspects of the task, I’m not built for an office
• Is there anything you’d like to improve?
I’m a beginner, I know the basics, but need the work experience
• Why should employers consider you above any other job seeker?
I’m teachable, dependable, trustworthy, strong, I find efficient ways of working, I rarely call in sick, I learn fast and take initiative
• What would you like to do or gain in your next job?
I’d like to gain knowledge, earn more money and work up the ladder to eventually go into business for myself
• Do you need accommodation?
Possibly. Depending on the location
• Do you have any special requirements for any animals you wish to bring with you?
• Do you have any ongoing commitments?
• Do you have any holidays booked that an employer needs to know of?
Last week of July to first week of August