Ref: GL28586
General Information
- Age 36 years
- Date of Birth 20th July 1988
- Had previous paid employment within the equine industry? Locked
- Preferred Countries The EU, Europe, United Arab Emirates
- County/State/Region Switzerland
- Job Category Full Time, Working Couple
- Earliest start date 1st April 2024
- Freelance: Business Name Locked
- Freelance: Hourly Rate Locked
- Freelance: are you insured? Locked
- Available for Christmas Cover? No
- Notice period 1 month
- Best time to call Locked
- Working Couples: Partner's profile reference number Locked
- Live in or out Live in, Live out
- Co-habiting? Locked
- Full Postcode if live out (Private) Locked
- Expected Job Level Groom, Groom/Rider, Part of a Team, Manager, Home Groom, Housekeeper, Admin/Office-based
- Animals to bring to a job Locked
- Describe the animal/s you HAVE to bring to the job (if applicable) Locked
- Can drive Car, Tractor, Trailer, 3.5t
- Own car? Car
- Height 5’2” / 157cm
- Approximate weight 9st / 57.2kg / 126lb
- Total years experience with horses Locked
- Previous paid/work experience Locked
- Future disciplines Family Yard, Livery, Rescue, Show Jumping, Stud, Western
- Riding Role? Locked
- Nationality Zimbabwean
- Languages spoken Locked
- Qualifications Locked
- Equine Skills Bandage, Equine First Aid, Exercise/Hack Out, Lunging, Muck Out
- Non-Equine Skills Locked
- Longest time in one job Locked
- Position held in this job Locked
- 2nd longest time in one job Locked
- Position held in this job Locked
- Upload your CV Locked
- Current passport? Locked
- DBS (formerly CRB) or equivalent Locked
- Smoker? Locked
- Locked
- Image Uploads Locked
- Where did you find us? Only Administrators can view this!
- Experience with Horses
Outline your experience with horses here/the scope of your freelance services. If you’re looking for a non-equine or non- yard-based job please use this space to describe your experience skills/abilities and adapt the questions to suit your line of work.
I have been blessed to have ridden horses before I could walk, and to have
horses of my own all my life. I have had the opportunity to improve my
horsemanship by working with various people over the years. I have had the
privilege to represent my home country in many international tournaments. In
2011 I progressed into polo, where I started my professional riding career. I have
continued to improved my equestrian knowledge and training each day that have
dealt with horses, learning each and every horse, and ensuring they have the
best chance to reach their full potential.
Key Skills
What are you particularly good at? For example: working alone, working with others, clipping, plaiting, turning out for shows, handling stallions, handling/riding young horses, non-equine skills etc
Professional Skills
• Breaking in horses
• High level training and schooling of horses for polo and polocrosse
• Stabling Administration and Management
• Ability to determine correct individual feeding regime for horses
• Grooming procedures
• Schooling for different disciplines
• Introducing race horses to polocrosse
• Rectifying bad habits caused by incorrect training
• Aiding problematic loading horses to make travelling easier
• Experience in many different fields, and thoroughly enjoy learning.
• Positive work ethics, reliable and accountable
• Good at interacting with people and animals.
• Well organized, self-motivated and proactive.
• Good attention to detail.
• Ability to solve problems and offer solutions.
• Main interests include all sports, especially hockey, polo and polocrosse.
Strengths and Weaknesses
• What do you most enjoy about working with horses?
The well being of the animals, and seeing them happy and fit.
• Is there anything you’d like to improve?
I would like to improve my horsemanship overall.
• Why should employers consider you above any other job seeker?
I am loyal, dynamic, hard working, willing to learn everything I can.
• What would you like to do or gain in your next job?
Better my knowledge on therapeutic techniques and more breeding as well as improving ground work.
• Do you need accommodation?
Yes, but we can agree on a rental near by.
• Do you have any special requirements for any animals you wish to bring with you?
• Do you have any ongoing commitments?
• Do you have any holidays booked that an employer needs to know of?
20 April 2024 a wedding and 20 July 2024 a world cup polocrosse to possibly groom.
2nd December every year I have an appointment.