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Yard Manager 8 views

Ref: GL21127

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General Information

  • Age 0
  • Date of Birth 23rd July 2024
  • Had previous paid employment within the equine industry? Locked
  • Preferred Countries United Kingdom
  • County/State/Region Worcestershire, UK
  • Job Category Flexible Hours, Full Time, Part Time, Permanent
  • Earliest start date 9th September 2024
  • Freelance: Business Name Locked
  • Freelance: Hourly Rate Locked
  • Freelance: are you insured? Locked
  • Available for Christmas Cover? Yes
  • Notice period 4 weeks
  • Best time to call Locked
  • Working Couples: Partner's profile reference number Locked
  • Live in or out Live out
  • Co-habiting? Locked
  • Full Postcode if live out (Private) Locked
  • Expected Job Level Manager
  • Animals to bring to a job Locked
  • Describe the animal/s you HAVE to bring to the job (if applicable) Locked
  • Can drive Car, Tractor, Trailer, 3.5t
  • Own car? Car
  • Height 5’3” / 160cm
  • Approximate weight 12st / 76.2kg / 168lb
  • Total years experience with horses Locked
  • Previous paid/work experience Locked
  • Future disciplines Artificial Insemination (AI), Carriage Driving, Classical, College, Dealer, Dressage, Endurance, Eventing, Family Yard, Foaling, Horse Transport, Hunting, Livery, P2P, Polo, Pony Club Activities, Racing Flat, Racing NH, Riding for the Disabled (RDA), Reining, Rescue, Rehabilitation, Retail, Riding School, Sales, Showing, Show Jumping, Stud, Team Chase, Therapeutic Riding, Training Yard/Positions, Trekking, Western, Working Hunter
  • Riding Role? Locked
  • Nationality British
  • Languages spoken Locked
  • Qualifications Locked
  • Equine Skills Back/Break, Bandage, Broodmares, Clip, Equine First Aid, Exercise/Hack Out, Foaling/Foal Watch, Long Rein, Lunging, Maintenance Skills, Management Skills, Muck Out, Sales Preparation, School, Show Turnout, Sole charge, Supervisory Skills, Teach, Trim, Work with children, Young Stock Handler
  • Non-Equine Skills Locked
  • Longest time in one job Locked
  • Position held in this job Locked
  • 2nd longest time in one job Locked
  • Position held in this job Locked
  • Upload your CV Locked
  • Current passport? Locked
  • DBS (formerly CRB) or equivalent Locked
  • Smoker? Locked
  • Video URL Locked
  • Image Uploads Locked
  • Where did you find us? Only Administrators can view this!




• Do you need accommodation? no


• Do you have any special requirements for any animals you wish to bring with you?  i have a well behaved Spaniel but I don’t mind if i am not allowed to bring him along


• Do you have any ongoing commitments? no


• Do you have any holidays booked that an employer needs to know of?no



Caroline Carter Recruitment Ltd
The Stables
Fildyke Road
SG17 5LU
0203 006 5730 / 07747 686 118

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