Call +44 (0)203 006 5730 / +44 (0)7747 686118 or email

Useful Information for Equine Recruitment

Information for Equine Employers and Job Seekers

Caroline Carter Recruitment is committed to the promotion of legal and proper employee and employer practises and we have published a unique library of articles for your information on a variety of equine employment related topics.

Further Information

Below is links to further information for equine recruitment. If the information you require is not available in any of these sources please contact us.


Working Overseas

British Foreign Office



United States


New Zealand

Other Useful Information

Curency Converter

World Times

Lonely Planet

Google Earth

DISCLAIMER: These sites are owned, operated and controlled by third parties. Whilst Caroline Carter Recruitment Ltd believes that the sites may assist users of The Grooms List on-line, it has no control over the sites, their content, accuracy or subject matter and does not endorse them in favour of any other sites providing such information and/or facilities. As such, Caroline Carter Recruitment Ltd takes no responsibility for the sites and excludes any liability arising as a result of use of them.


Caroline Carter Recruitment Ltd
The Stables
Fildyke Road
SG17 5LU
0203 006 5730 / 07747 686 118

Registered company number 10657796good site
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