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Rider(/Groom) 30 views

Ref: GL30018

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General Information

  • Age 31 years
  • Date of Birth 17th November 1992
  • Had previous paid employment within the equine industry? Locked
  • Preferred Countries United Kingdom
  • County/State/Region Dorset, UK, Hampshire, UK, Somerset, UK, Surrey, UK, West Sussex, UK
  • Job Category Flexible Hours, Freelance, Full Time, Part Time, Permanent, Seasonal, Short Term (Temporary)
  • Earliest start date 29th July 2024
  • Freelance: Business Name Locked
  • Freelance: Hourly Rate Locked
  • Freelance: are you insured? Locked
  • Available for Christmas Cover? No
  • Notice period 1 month - negotiable
  • Best time to call Locked
  • Working Couples: Partner's profile reference number Locked
  • Live in or out Live out
  • Co-habiting? Locked
  • Full Postcode if live out (Private) Locked
  • Expected Job Level Groom/Rider, Rider, Part of a Team, Sole Charge, Home Groom, Stud Hand, Other
  • Animals to bring to a job Locked
  • Describe the animal/s you HAVE to bring to the job (if applicable) Locked
  • Can drive Car, 3.5t, Moped
  • Own car? Car
  • Height 5”6’ / 167cm
  • Approximate weight 9.5st / 60.3kg / 133lb
  • Total years experience with horses Locked
  • Previous paid/work experience Locked
  • Future disciplines Artificial Insemination (AI), College, Dealer, Dressage, Eventing, Family Yard, Foaling, P2P, Polo, Racing Flat, Racing NH, Riding for the Disabled (RDA), Reining, Rescue, Rehabilitation, Show Jumping, Stud, Team Chase, Therapeutic Riding, Training Yard/Positions, Working Hunter
  • Riding Role? Locked
  • Nationality British
  • Languages spoken Locked
  • Qualifications Locked
  • Equine Skills Back/Break, Bandage, Clip, Compete, Equine First Aid, Exercise/Hack Out, Long Rein, Lunging, Muck Out, Plait, Pull Mane/Tail, Show Turnout, Sole charge, Supervisory Skills, Trim, Veterinary Experience, Work Rider, Young Stock Rider
  • Non-Equine Skills Locked
  • Longest time in one job Locked
  • Position held in this job Locked
  • 2nd longest time in one job Locked
  • Position held in this job Locked
  • Upload your CV Locked
  • Current passport? Locked
  • DBS (formerly CRB) or equivalent Locked
  • Smoker? Locked
  • Video URL Locked
  • Image Uploads Locked
  • Where did you find us? Only Administrators can view this!

Experience with Horses

Seasoned rider from a professional background, with vast experience of eventing training and competing over the past 15 years. Experience in riding and care of a wide range of horses and disciplines including racehorse pre-training and breaking, and bringing my own youngsters through the eventing ranks to compete at 2* (formerly 1*) level.

Approach to riding and training based in degree-level education of anatomy and biomechanics, including building groundwork and ridden rehabilitation and training regimes for fit, happy horses and injury prevention. Bring a professional and scientific approach, having worked for 4 years in research and development in advanced wound-care.

Highly trustworthy and experienced in all normal yard duties at event, racing, dressage, showjumping and livery yards including first aid and liaising with other equine professionals. Dedication to equine training continued alongside non-equine roles throughout my career.


Key Skills

Event Riding – Dressage, Showjumping, XC
Bringing on young horses
Fitness Training
Breaking and Riding Away
Horse Riding and Care (inc. B Test)
Communication Skills
Health and Safety
First Aid and Wound Care


Strengths and Weaknesses

  • What do you most enjoy about working with horses?

Although proficient in all aspects of horse-care, I especially enjoy the training side – developing inexperienced horses and bringing them on both in fitness and education to perform. I have demonstrated this through bringing on horses in dressage, showjumping and eventing up to 2* (formerly 1*) levels they have not previously attained, as well as breaking and educating in galloping in the racing world. I excel at picking up on details during both riding and care, and am therefore well suited to dealing with those that are at the higher-maintenance end of the horse spectrum (for example: tricky TB types, undergoing injury care/rehabilitation, preparing for competition etc).


  • Is there anything you’d like to improve?

I am very experienced in riding and care over a wide range of disciplines and types of horses, however am always looking to learn. I would love to be able to further improve my riding skill and ability at higher levels (e.g. working at medium dressage, jumping over 1.15), so having the opportunity to train in this area would be fantastic. I also have interests in equine biomechanics, as well as equine and human psychology (self-studied) and would love to pursue these if the opportunity arose.

  • Why should employers consider you above any other job seeker?

As someone who has a background in biology and is from the scientific and professional world, I can offer a unique capability in both training and care, as well being incredibly diligent, trustworthy and reliable. I have an amazing breadth of riding and horse-care experience from different disciplines, enabling me to understand the needs of each individual horse, and tailor vast and varied knowledge to suit them. My background in science and professional career along-side training my own horses has allowed me to develop a breadth of skills highly valuable to any employer.


  • What would you like to do or gain in your next job?

I would love to be part of a brilliant team where I’m able to use my riding and horse-care abilities to add real value to the horses in training. The breadth of my experience (dressage, showjumping, eventing, racing) makes me an asset in a wide range of disciplines and environments, and I would love to be able to apply these capabilities where I can see the results of the training put in.

  • Do you need accommodation?

No, accommodation is not necessary. Would consider moving for the right role.

  • Do you have any special requirements for any animals you wish to bring with you?


  • Do you have any ongoing commitments?

1 month’s notice in current role, although this is negotiable.

  • Do you have any holidays booked that an employer needs to know of?




Caroline Carter Recruitment Ltd
The Stables
Fildyke Road
SG17 5LU
0203 006 5730 / 07747 686 118

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