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Head Groom, Comp Groom, Home Groom 157 views

Ref: GL28

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General Information

  • Age 32 years
  • Date of Birth 12th April 1992
  • Had previous paid employment within the equine industry? Locked
  • Preferred Countries United Kingdom
  • County/State/Region Berkshire, UK, Oxfordshire, UK
  • Job Category Full Time, Permanent
  • Earliest start date 16th March 2024
  • Freelance: Business Name Locked
  • Freelance: Hourly Rate Locked
  • Freelance: are you insured? Locked
  • Available for Christmas Cover? Yes
  • Notice period 1 month
  • Best time to call Locked
  • Working Couples: Partner's profile reference number Locked
  • Live in or out Live out
  • Co-habiting? Locked
  • Full Postcode if live out (Private) Locked
  • Expected Job Level Groom, Groom/Rider, Part of a Team, Sole Charge, Assistant Head Person, Head Person, Manager, Home Groom, Competition Groom
  • Animals to bring to a job Locked
  • Describe the animal/s you HAVE to bring to the job (if applicable) Locked
  • Can drive Car, 7.5t, Class 2 HGV, Category C
  • Own car? Car
  • Height 5’3” / 160cm
  • Approximate weight 8.5st / 54kg / 119lb
  • Total years experience with horses Locked
  • Previous paid/work experience Locked
  • Future disciplines Dressage, Family Yard, Foaling, Rescue, Rehabilitation, Show Jumping, Stud
  • Riding Role? Locked
  • Nationality Irish
  • Languages spoken Locked
  • Qualifications Locked
  • Equine Skills Bandage, Clip, Exercise/Hack Out, Lunging, Maintenance Skills, Muck Out, Plait, Pull Mane/Tail, Sole charge, Trim
  • Non-Equine Skills Locked
  • Longest time in one job Locked
  • Position held in this job Locked
  • 2nd longest time in one job Locked
  • Position held in this job Locked
  • Upload your CV Locked
  • Current passport? Locked
  • DBS (formerly CRB) or equivalent Locked
  • Smoker? Locked
  • Video URL Locked
  • Image Uploads Locked
  • Where did you find us? Only Administrators can view this!

Experience with Horses

Outline your experience with horses here/the scope of your freelance services. If you’re looking for a non-equine or non- yard-based job please use this space to describe your experience skills/abilities and adapt the questions to suit your line of work.

**Looking for Monday – Friday work predominantly. need to be Oxford/North Berkshire area as partner commutes**


Key Skills

What are you particularly good at? For example: working alone, working with others, clipping, plaiting, turning out for shows, handling stallions, handling/riding young horses, non-equine skills etc

Working alone and with others, clipping, plaiting, lunging, general care and maintenance of horses and the yard upkeep, management and time efficiency.


Strengths and Weaknesses

• What do you most enjoy about working with horses?

Everything, from the physical aspect of efficient yard management to working and developing relationships with the horses.

• Is there anything you’d like to improve?

Riding and veterinary/rehab knowledge

• Why should employers consider you above any other job seeker?

After many years of experience working with horses I am confident in what I do.

I am comfortable working as a team or alone.

I still love any opportunity to learn from those with more experience.

I have a keen interest in Equine Behaviour and Welfare.


• What would you like to do or gain in your next job?

I would like to continue to gain experience in every aspect of the equine industry.

• Do you need accommodation?


• Do you have any special requirements for any animals you wish to bring with you?


• Do you have any ongoing commitments?


• Do you have any holidays booked that an employer needs to know of?



Caroline Carter Recruitment Ltd
The Stables
Fildyke Road
SG17 5LU
0203 006 5730 / 07747 686 118

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