Ref: GL25480
General Information
- Age 54 years
- Date of Birth 20th October 1969
- Had previous paid employment within the equine industry? Locked
- Preferred Countries United Kingdom
- County/State/Region Warwickshire, UK, West Midlands, UK, Worcestershire, UK
- Job Category Flexible Hours, Part Time, Permanent
- Earliest start date 30th September 2024
- Freelance: Business Name Locked
- Freelance: Hourly Rate Locked
- Freelance: are you insured? Locked
- Available for Christmas Cover? No
- Notice period Non
- Best time to call Locked
- Working Couples: Partner's profile reference number Locked
- Live in or out Live in, Live out
- Co-habiting? Locked
- Full Postcode if live out (Private) Locked
- Expected Job Level Groom, Housekeeper, Admin/Office-based
- Animals to bring to a job Locked
- Describe the animal/s you HAVE to bring to the job (if applicable) Locked
- Can drive Car
- Own car? Car
- Height 5’9” / 175cm
- Approximate weight 11st / 69.9kg / 154lb
- Total years experience with horses Locked
- Previous paid/work experience Locked
- Future disciplines Rescue
- Riding Role? Locked
- Nationality British
- Languages spoken Locked
- Qualifications Locked
- Equine Skills Muck Out
- Non-Equine Skills Locked
- Longest time in one job Locked
- Position held in this job Locked
- 2nd longest time in one job Locked
- Position held in this job Locked
- Upload your CV Locked
- Current passport? Locked
- DBS (formerly CRB) or equivalent Locked
- Smoker? Locked
- Locked
- Image Uploads Locked
- Where did you find us? Only Administrators can view this!
I have owned my own horse for 6 years, he’s a 24 yr old ex racing horse Experience with Horses
Outline your experience with horses here/the scope of your freelance services. If you’re looking for a non-equine or non- yard-based job please use this space to describe your experience skills/abilities and adapt the questions to suit your line of work.
I have Solely cared for my thoroughbred and nursed him back to health, myself after he suffered 2 abscess one year and a severe one the following year. Key Skills
What are you particularly good at? For example: working alone, working with others, clipping, plaiting, turning out for shows, handling stallions, handling/riding young horses, non-equine skills etc
I can work alone or as a team, confident on the ground with different types of horses.
Strengths and Weaknesses
I cope well under pressure and get the job done!
Horses! are my weaknesses, I wish I could own more than one which is why I would like to work within the industry.
• What do you most enjoy about working with horses?
I love every minute I spend with horses, I’m able to escape from the trials of life when I’m around horses.
• Is there anything you’d like to improve?
My confidence and riding
• Why should employers consider you above any other job seeker?
I am a professional person and loyal
• What would you like to do or gain in your next job?
Look after racing horses
• Do you need accommodation?
• Do you have any special requirements for any animals you wish to bring with you?
• Do you have any ongoing commitments?
• Do you have any holidays booked that an employer needs to know of?