Ref: GL26044
General Information
- Age 23 years
- Date of Birth 11th May 2001
- Had previous paid employment within the equine industry? Locked
- Preferred Countries United Kingdom
- County/State/Region Hampshire, UK
- Job Category Full Time, Permanent
- Earliest start date 15th November 2023
- Freelance: Business Name Locked
- Freelance: Hourly Rate Locked
- Freelance: are you insured? Locked
- Notice period 4 weeks
- Best time to call Locked
- Working Couples: Partner's profile reference number Locked
- Live in or out Live out
- Co-habiting? Locked
- Full Postcode if live out (Private) Locked
- Expected Job Level Groom/Rider, Rider, Part of a Team, Sole Charge, Assistant Head Person, Head Person, Manager, Home Groom, Competition Groom, Riding Instructor, Admin/Office-based
- Animals to bring to a job Locked
- Describe the animal/s you HAVE to bring to the job (if applicable) Locked
- Can drive Car, Tractor, Trailer, 3.5t
- Own car? Car
- Height 5’2” / 157cm
- Approximate weight 8.5st / 54kg / 119lb
- Total years experience with horses Locked
- Previous paid/work experience Locked
- Future disciplines Artificial Insemination (AI), Carriage Driving, Classical, College, Dealer, Dressage, Endurance, Eventing, Family Yard, Foaling, Horse Transport, Hunting, Livery, P2P, Polo, Pony Club Activities, Racing Flat, Racing NH, Riding for the Disabled (RDA), Reining, Rescue, Rehabilitation, Retail, Riding School, Sales, Showing, Show Jumping, Stud, Team Chase, Therapeutic Riding, Training Yard/Positions, Trekking, Western, Working Hunter
- Riding Role? Locked
- Nationality British
- Languages spoken Locked
- Qualifications Locked
- Equine Skills Bandage, Clip, Equine First Aid, Exercise/Hack Out, Foaling/Foal Watch, Lunging, Maintenance Skills, Management Skills, Muck Out, Plait, Pull Mane/Tail, Ride, Rider/Trainer, School, Sole charge, Supervisory Skills, Teach, Trim, Work with children
- Non-Equine Skills Locked
- Longest time in one job Locked
- Position held in this job Locked
- 2nd longest time in one job Locked
- Position held in this job Locked
- Upload your CV Locked
- Current passport? Locked
- DBS (formerly CRB) or equivalent Locked
- Smoker? Locked
- Locked
- Image Uploads Locked
- Where did you find us? Only Administrators can view this!
Experience with Horses
A professional person, committed to working at outstanding levels as part of the British Army. I come from a background of discipline, confidence and a culture of following instructions in the approved manner. As one of a small number of females in the Household Cavalry, I feel I have been enabled to excel in any future situation. I am a determined individual, patient when listening to others, hardworking, enthusiastic to learn skills and make a fresh and interesting career for myself in an industry I am passionate about.
Key Skills
Sole charge, working with others, clipping, plaiting, handling/riding young horses, teaching, office-based work.
Strengths and Weaknesses
• What do you most enjoy about working with horses?
They are the most challenging but rewarding animals in a highly active and ever changing environment.
• Is there anything you’d like to improve?
I’d be interested in learning about other disciplines.
• Why should employers consider you above any other job seeker?
Being ex-military, I have had the opportunity to fine-tune various skills. Previously working as a yard manager at a very busy riding school, I also am highly adaptable and bring a can-do attitude. Now at an incredibly private and exclusive grand-prix dressage yard, I have high and efficient standards.
• What would you like to do or gain in your next job?
I am looking for a lateral move, as my current employer is one of a very high standard.
• Do you need accommodation?
• Do you have any special requirements for any animals you wish to bring with you?
Two horse-savy dogs (can reduce to one at a time or have some flexibility with neither)
• Do you have any holidays booked that an employer needs to know of?
Not currently.